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Barossa Vintage Festival 2023 - Lou Miranda Estate Wine Option Quiz Night DATE Thursday 20th April 6:30pm sharp TICKETS $70.00 per person Arrange your own teams of 4. Please let us know if you need help with putting together groups of 4. Fancy yourself a wine-smith or if you are just up for a challenge than the 'Lou Miranda Estate Wine Option Quiz Night' is made for you. A fun night tasting some cracking wines with good friends, join us for a blind tasting of 6 wines. Get your team of 4 together and start thinking about the glory that could be yours as we take you on a wine journey. Things you need to know about

***This competition has now closed*** Lou Miranda Estate x The Daily Edited Mother's Day Competition 2021 We love our mum. Running a family owned winery is hard work and we rely on our Mum to help us through the good times and the bad. She is always there when we need her. To celebrate our mother and your mother we are running a competition, not for you to win something but for her to win something (which hopefully she will share with you). To go into the running to win a Lou Miranda Estate Mother's Day 6 pack of wine and a The Daily Edited jewellery box (customised with Mum's initals) click

***This competition has now closed*** The Lou Miranda Estate Christmas Prize Draw is back. Purchase 1 dozen bottles of any Leone Premium or Lou Miranda Estate Super Premium wines and you will automatically go into the draw to win one of our three amazing prizes. Three Prizes to be won! 1. Blend your own wine […]

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